Welcome to The World Combat Martial Arts Federation

The World Combat Martial Arts Federation strives to deliver the best in professional martial arts training and instructor certification programs.

We assist the combat martial arts community in being successful in learning and teaching true combat martial arts without sacrificing integrity, effectiveness and quality of instruction.

Our organization provides students and instructors with internatially recognized rank and certification backed by a board of globally recognized Grandmasters and Heads of Systems.

Training and internationally recognized certification is provided in Japanese, Filipino, Indonesian, Hawaiian, Chinese, American, and Korean Martial Arts and Military Combat Systems.

Members can come to the Federation Headquarters for training, train at one of our affiliate schools or our Masters and Grandmasters can come to you!  Private classes and seminars are held frequently.

Our instructor certification programs ensure that your schools and classes are run by properly trained individuals with a background in sports physiology, business law, martial arts safety, martial arts law, use of force understanding, and modern successful business management principles.